Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the most common questions we get asked regularly. We thought it would be a good idea to have them on our website so everyone can get answers to these questions and it can help them in making decision about their acupuncture treatment.
Do the acupuncture needles hurt?
When considering acupuncture, our patients often tell us they were most apprehensive about the acupuncture needles. They were reassured to learn that the needles are FDA approved as medical devices and are individually wrapped, totally sterile, and disposed of after one use. Those patients also discovered that the treatment was virtually painless because acupuncture needles are extremely thin and flexible — approximately 16 acupuncture needles together equal the thickness of a pin. Most importantly, our patients come to realize that the needles are simply tools to help them move through the process of healing and balance.

What will I feel during my acupuncture treatment?
Of course, it’s normal to feel somewhat nervous before your first treatment. However afterwards you should feel very comfortable. Of the years our patients have felt many things ranging from energy moving to total relaxation at the end of a treatment.

What will I feel after the acupuncture treatment?
People often feel rejuvenated and relaxed with an alleviation of their symptoms. Other bodily functions that weren’t part of your chief complaint may also improve. For example, you might find that you are sleeping better, and your anxiety is reduced or that your digestion is improved or that your stress level is lowered. Returning to work after a treatment is not a problem.

How long will my course of acupuncture treatment last?
Like everything, it depends on what the problem is and how long you have been dealing with it. The general rule is that the longer you’ve been out of balance, the longer it takes to resolve. But in practice, individuals respond at different rates. You will know quite soon how you’re responding to acupuncture.

Can acupuncture help me not get sick?
Acupuncture is wonderful for general well-being, stress-reduction and boosting immunity. Acupuncture can help strengthen you again. Some people, once their problem has resolved, come once a month to prevent allergy flare-ups, for example